Die Windrose

1/1Picture: Betty Freeman / Bridgeman Images

In his monumental work cycle Die Stücke der Windrose, Mauricio Kagel set the points of the compass to music in subtle ways. Ensemble Paul Klee, cond. Kaspar Zehnder performs two of them in each lunchtime concert.
Also 6th, 7th and 8th September, 11:30am

Dates and Tickets

Die Windrose

Thu 5. September / 11:30
Heiliggeistkirche Bern
Free entry / Basket

Die Windrose

Fri 6. September / 11:30
Heiliggeistkirche Bern
Free entry / Basket

Die Windrose

Sat 7. September / 11:30
Heiliggeistkirche Bern
Free entry / Basket

Die Windrose

Sun 8. September / 11:30
Heiliggeistkirche Bern
Free entry / Basket

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